If the success or failure of this planet and of human beings

depended on how I am and what I do…

How would I be? What would I do?

Buckminster Fuller

I propose that our personal healing and evolution is part of the larger evolution of consciousness, itself, which is a prerequisite for global healing and transformation. We are at a crossroads in terms of the future of our planet and its life forms. For the first time in the history of evolution, it is not natural processes like natural selection or mutation, but human beings and their choices and actions, that are determining the trajectory of evolution of life on this planet. The success or failure of this planet and of humans beings does now depend on us.

It is evident that we need a course correction. The old story of separation and domination is what has lead to many of the problems we’re facing in our world today. We need a new collective story… a story of interconnectedness and of the sacredness of all of life (which is actually an old story). Thankfully there is a growing number of people who are embracing the new story and are living accordingly.

So we do our work not only for ourselves, but for the collective… for our planet and all life forms. As we heal and transform our selves, create our new story, and clarify our values, we become change agents in our world.  We then do our part to achieve the critical mass needed to shift the collective consciousness to a new story and thereby promote a more peaceful, just and sustainable world for all. That is the “how would I be” part. This new consciousness then needs to be embodied and acted upon.

The “what would I do” part is aligning our daily choices and actions with our new story and values, and becoming involved in some issue or cause that breaks our hearts… perhaps it is cruelty to animals or domestic violence. And, due to the urgency of the challenges we face,  giving serious thought to what action we can take to address issues such as the destruction of our environment and ecosystems, climate change, the increasing inequity in wealth distribution, and the alienation and the social injustice in our world.

Fortunately, there are numerous organizations and grassroots social movements that are addressing these issues that we can lend our support to. What is needed to change our world is the collective will of conscious committed people.